Copyright Website Editor Annual Report 2020

submitted by Marci Cohen

Current Roster

  • Marci Cohen, Copyright Website Editor (2021)

List of Previous Goals and Progress Made

  • Goal: Remain abreast of changes to copyright law and practice such as the Music Modernization Act, the proposed CASE Act legislation (“Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2017”), and annual addition of materials to the public domain, and how they affect library practices. When possible, document this on the copyright website. Progress: Resources from the Copyright Office and elsewhere have been identified for inclusion on the copyright website. However, progress on updating the website was interrupted by technical issues. Web editor Katie Buehner determined that the server was not up to the task. I am awaiting word on a possible server upgrade.

List of Future Goals

  • Complete migration of site content from YM to new WordPress platform after server is upgraded. Relates to strategic goal area: technology.
  • Having identified resources on the Music Modernization Act and other more recent copyright developments, update the website content after server is upgraded. Relates to strategic goal area: organizational excellence.