Planning Committee Annual Report 2019

submitted by Bruce Evans

Current Roster

  • Bruce J. Evans , Chair/Planning and Reports Officer (2020)
  • Rachel Fox Von Swearingen , Parliamentarian (2020)
  • Misti Shaw, Secretary (2020)
  • Jon Sauceda, Assistant Planning and Reports Officer (2021)
  • Kimmy Szeto, Assistant Parliamentarian (2021)

List of Previous Goals and Progress Made

  1. During Fall 2018, the Planning Committee, working with the Convention Managers, the Program Chair, and the Web Manager, will compile and post an online FAQ about the process of programming the annual meetings. This will provide more transparency and help to demystify the process for MLA members. The FAQ will be published on the MLA website. This will support the Strategic Plan’s goal area of organizational excellence and will help to ensure that MLA’s operations remain
    efficient, effective, and transparent.

  2. At the 2018 Spring meeting in Middleton, the Board discussed a proposal for the Music Library Students and
    Emerging Professionals group (MLStEP) to become part of MLA’s administrative structure. During Fall 2018, the Planning Committee will work with MLStEP to determine the best way to accomplish this. This work will support the Strategic Plan’s core value of inclusivity and its goal area of membership.

    • PROGRESS: Accomplished. From Fall 2018 Board Meeting minutes: “It was moved by Andy and seconded by Rachel that MLStEP become a special project under the Career Development and Services committee and that MLSTEP keep its current administrative structure for elected officers, and that those MLSTEP officers be required to maintain MLA memberships. The motion was unanimously approved.”
  3. At the 2018 Spring meeting in Middleton, the Board agreed with the Membership Committee’s recommendation that the conference registration rate for new members be extended. The lower rate will be offered to members in their first five years rather than three. During Fall 2018, the Planning Committee will work with the Membership Committee to clarify what constitutes “first five years of membership.” This work will support the Strategic Plan’s goal area of membership.
    • PROGRESS: Accomplished. From Fall 2018 Board Meeting minutes: “It was moved by Andy and seconded by Misti that the Board defines “Early career” as the first 5 chronological years after student status has ceased. The motion was unanimously approved.”

List of Future Goals

  1. We recommend establishing a new membership category called “Family Associate Member” as an additional type of personal membership, where the first member of a household registers as a regular member, and each additional member can register as a Family Associate member at a lower membership cost
    • Relates to the following part of the Strategic Plan: Goal Area: Membership. Objective 2: Increase outreach efforts to organizations that are
      underrepresented, including those whose holdings reflect many types of music.
  2. Create charge for the new Strategic Planning Planning Task Force
    • Relates to the following part of the Strategic Plan: Goal Area: Organizational Excellence. Objective 1: Develop and sustain the necessary
      resources to ensure the vitality of the Association, its programs and services.